Becoming a professional comedian is a challenging but achievable goal with the right combination of talent, hard work, and dedication. Starting with Ultra comedy be an excellent way to begin your comedic journey, gain experience, and develop your comedic skills.

Here are some steps to consider if you aspire to become a professional comedian:

Perform Regularly: Like any skill, comedy improves with practice. Take every opportunity to perform, whether it’s at open mics, comedy clubs, local events, or even in front of friends and family.

Hone Your Material: Continuously work on crafting and refining your jokes. Pay attention to audience reactions and adjust your material based on their feedback.

Find Your Unique Voice: Develop a distinctive comedic style and perspective that sets you apart from other comedians. Embrace your personality and life experiences in your comedy.

Study the Craft: Learn from successful comedians by watching their performances, studying their timing, delivery, and writing techniques.

Write Regularly: Keep a notebook or digital file to jot down ideas, observations, and potential jokes. Writing regularly helps develop a reservoir of material to draw from.

Be Resilient: Comedy can be tough, and not every performance will be a roaring success. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Network and Build Connections: Connect with other comedians, comedy club owners, and industry professionals. Building relationships in the comedy community can open doors to more opportunities.

Seek Feedback: Be open to constructive criticism and seek feedback from experienced comedians or comedy coaches. They can offer valuable insights to help you grow.

Embrace the Stage: Gain confidence on stage by performing in various settings and in front of different audiences. Embrace stage time and learn how to connect with the crowd.

Stay Committed: Building a career in comedy takes time and perseverance. Stay committed to your passion and continue honing your skills.

Remember that becoming a professional comedian is a journey, and success might not come overnight. Many professional comedians have spent years honing their craft and building their careers. However, starting with Ultra comedy is an excellent first step to begin your comedic adventure and make progress toward your goal of becoming a professional comedian. Enjoy the process, have fun on stage, and keep pushing yourself to improve.


If you’re interested in signing up for Ultra Comedy, take a look at our locations page to find your local event!

Yes, it is possible to prepare for a stand-up comedy act in 8 weeks, but it will require dedication, focus, and consistent effort. Here are some steps you can follow to get started and make the most of your time:

Write Material: Begin by brainstorming and writing down ideas for jokes and comedic anecdotes. Focus on topics that resonate with you and your sense of humour. Refine and edit your material over time.

Practice Regularly: Set aside time each day or several times a week to practice your material. Rehearse in front of a mirror or record yourself to observe your delivery and timing.

Attend Open Mic Nights: Look for comedy clubs or venues that offer open mic nights. Participating in these events will give you valuable stage time and help you gain confidence in front of an audience.
Seek Feedback: Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from friends, family, or other comedians. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and polish your act.

Work on Timing and Delivery: Comedy is not just about the jokes but also about timing, pacing, and delivery. Practice delivering your jokes with confidence and finding the right rhythm.

Adapt to Audience Response: Pay attention to how the audience reacts to your jokes during open mic performances. Be prepared to adjust your material or delivery based on their response.

Study Successful Comedians: Watch stand-up specials and performances by successful comedians. Analyse their techniques, writing styles, and stage presence for inspiration.

Handle Nerves: It’s normal to feel nervous before performing, especially when starting. Learn relaxation techniques or try visualization exercises to help manage stage fright.

Stay Committed: Comedy can be challenging, but staying committed and positive throughout the process will be beneficial. Embrace the learning experience, even if some performances don’t go as planned.

Remember, comedy is subjective, and not every joke will land with every audience. Keep refining your material and performance based on feedback and your own instincts. With determination and effort, you can make significant progress in 8 weeks and have a solid foundation for your stand-up act. Good luck!

If you’re interested in signing up for Ultra Comedy, take a look at our locations page to find your local event!

Yes, it is possible to go from being a beginner to a professional comedian with dedication, hard work, and persistence. Many successful comedians started as beginners with little to no experience in comedy. Here are some steps to help you on your journey to becoming a professional comedian:

Develop Your Skills: Begin by writing and practicing your comedy material. Attend open mics and comedy workshops to refine your jokes, comedic timing, and delivery. Take every opportunity to perform in front of live audiences to gain experience and confidence.

Study Successful Comedians: Watch and study performances by established comedians whose style you admire. Analyse their techniques, stage presence, and how they connect with the audience. Learn from their success and find inspiration for your own unique comedic voice.

Find Your Voice: Develop your own comedic style and persona. Your authenticity and originality will set you apart from others. Embrace what makes you unique and use it to create relatable and memorable comedy.

Be Patient and Persistent: Building a career in comedy takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and keep pushing forward, even when faced with setbacks or tough crowds. Stay committed to improving your skills and growing as a comedian.

Network and Connect: Engage with fellow comedians, comedy club owners, and industry professionals. Networking can open doors to more opportunities, such as getting booked for gigs or participating in comedy festivals.

Embrace the Comedy Community: Surround yourself with supportive peers in the comedy community. Participate in comedy groups or forums where you can share ideas, get feedback, and collaborate with others.

Record Your Performances: Document your performances to review and analyse your progress. Recording allows you to see what works well and identify areas for improvement.
Be Prepared for Rejection: Comedy can be tough, and not every performance will be met with roaring laughter. Embrace constructive criticism and learn from each experience, even those that may not go as planned.

Pursue Opportunities: Look for opportunities to perform at various venues, comedy clubs, festivals, and events. The more you perform, the more exposure you gain, increasing your chances of being noticed by industry professionals.

Take Risks and Have Fun: Comedy is about taking risks, experimenting with new ideas, and having fun on stage. Embrace the challenges and enjoy the journey of developing your craft.

Remember that becoming a professional comedian is a process that requires continuous learning and growth. Embrace the joy of making people laugh and stay committed to honing your comedic skills. With passion and persistence, you can turn your love for comedy into a fulfilling and successful career.


Everybody starts somewhere and Ultra Comedy is a great place to start your journey. Sign up today 

Getting your friends to watch your first stand-up comedy act requires effective communication and a bit of persuasion. Here are some tips to encourage them to attend and support you:

Personal Invitations: Reach out to your friends individually and invite them personally. A one-on-one conversation or a personal message can make a stronger impact than a generic invitation.

Express Your Excitement: Share your enthusiasm and passion for performing stand-up comedy. Let your friends know how much it means to you to have them there supporting you on your big night.

Highlight the Special Occasion: Emphasize that it’s your first stand-up comedy act. Explain that this is a significant milestone in your life, and their presence will make it even more special for you.Promise a Good Time: Assure your friends that they’ll have a great time watching your performance. Comedy shows are meant to be fun and entertaining, so let them know they can expect a good laugh.

Offer Support in Their Interests: If any of your friends have hobbies or interests, they want you to attend, make a fair exchange. Offer to support their activities in return for their attendance at your comedy act.

Arrange a Gathering: Organize a pre or post-show gathering with your friends. This way, it becomes a social event, and they can enjoy spending time with you and each other.
Create an Event on social media: If appropriate, create a Facebook event or other social media posts to promote your comedy act. Share details about the venue, date, and time, and encourage your friends to RSVP.

Be Grateful: Let your friends know how much you appreciate their support. A sincere thank-you goes a long way in making them feel valued and appreciated.


Remember that not everyone may be able to attend due to prior commitments or other reasons. Be understanding if some of your friends can’t make it and avoid pressuring them. The most important thing is to enjoy your performance and cherish the support of those who can be there to cheer you on. Good luck with your stand-up comedy act!


Tickets are available at

Performing your first comedy set in front of a friendly audience is important for several reasons:

Support and Encouragement: A friendly audience, such as friends, family, or supportive peers, will be more understanding and encouraging during your first comedy performance. Their positive energy can boost your confidence and ease nerves, creating a more comfortable atmosphere.

Constructive Feedback: Performing in front of a friendly audience allows you to receive constructive feedback in a non-intimidating setting. They are more likely to offer helpful comments and suggestions, which can be valuable for refining your comedic delivery and material.

Overcoming Stage Fright: For many aspiring comedians, stage fright is a common obstacle to overcome. Performing in front of a friendly audience can help you get used to being on stage and dealing with nervousness in a supportive environment.

Building Confidence: A successful performance in front of a friendly crowd can significantly boost your confidence as a comedian. It gives you the belief that you can make people laugh and entertain an audience.

Learning What Works: Testing your jokes and comedic timing in front of a friendly audience allows you to gauge what works and what doesn’t. You can observe their reactions and adjust your material accordingly.

Establishing Your Presence: Performing in front of a friendly audience can be the first step in establishing yourself as a comedian. As you gain experience and receive positive feedback, you can build a reputation that may lead to more opportunities in the future.

Creating Networking Opportunities: Your friendly audience might include people who are interested in comedy or connected to the entertainment industry. Networking with these individuals can open doors to potential gigs and collaborations.

Turning Mistakes into Learning Opportunities: In comedy, not every joke or delivery will land perfectly. Performing in front of a friendly audience allows you to make mistakes and learn from them without the fear of harsh judgment.

Celebrating Milestones: Your first comedy set is a significant milestone in your comedic journey. Sharing this moment with friends and supporters makes it a memorable experience.
Remembering the Fun: Comedy is meant to be fun, and performing in front of a friendly audience can remind you of the joy and excitement that comes with making people laugh.

If you’re interested in signing up for Ultra Comedy, take a look at our locations page to find your local event!

An 8-week course can be a valuable and effective way to become a comedian for several reasons:

Structured Learning: The Ultra Comedy courses are designed to provide a structured learning environment, which allows aspiring comedians to progress systematically. Each week, students can focus on specific aspects of comedy, such as writing jokes, developing stage presence, and understanding comedic timing.

Expert Guidance: In a comedy course, you’ll have access to experienced instructors who are seasoned comedians themselves. They can provide valuable insights, feedback, and guidance based on their own experiences, helping you refine your comedic skills more efficiently.

Accelerated Learning: An 8-week course condenses a significant amount of learning into a relatively short period. This intensive approach can be beneficial, especially for individuals who want to kickstart their comedy career or gain confidence quickly.

Practice and Feedback: Comedy is an art form that requires practice and refinement. In a course setting, you’ll have ample opportunities to perform in front of your peers and receive constructive feedback. This regular practice and feedback loop can help you improve rapidly.

Networking: Comedy courses often bring together a diverse group of aspiring comedians. Building connections with fellow students can lead to collaborations, open mic opportunities, and other networking benefits within the comedy community.

Overcoming Stage Fright: Many people fear public speaking and performing comedy in front of an audience can be particularly intimidating. The supportive environment of a comedy course can help you overcome stage fright and develop the confidence needed to succeed as a comedian. The main event will also be filled with friends and family that have booked tickets to support you making it a great introduction.

Learning from Others: Watching and analysing your peers’ performances can be an excellent way to learn about different comedic styles, techniques, and approaches. Observing others can broaden your comedic horizons and inspire new ideas.

Exposure to Different Comedy Styles: Comedy courses often cover various styles of comedy, such as stand-up, improv, sketch comedy, and storytelling. Exploring different styles can help you discover your strengths and interests as a comedian.

Constructive Criticism: Receiving constructive criticism from instructors and peers helps you understand what works and what doesn’t in your comedic routine. This feedback is invaluable for honing your comedic voice and creating material that resonates with audiences.

Building Confidence: As you progress through the course, you’ll likely notice a significant improvement in your comedic abilities. The growth and positive reinforcement can boost your confidence, making you more comfortable and assured on stage.

If you’re interested in signing up for Ultra Comedy, take a look at our locations page to find your local event!

Comedy courses are becoming increasingly popular across the UK, but what is unique about Ultra Comedy is that it is completely free! We offer you 8 weeks of free coaching with a professional comic and at the end of this, you get to test out your material at one of the best comedy clubs in the UK from The Glee Clubs to London’s Backyard comedy club.

There are lots of reasons for you to take part in a comedy course but let’s break down why you should choose Ultra Comedy:

Meet new people and have a laugh

Our Ultra Comedy courses will place you together with a group of people who are all there to learn about comedy. You’ll listen to each other’s sets, give feedback to each other and share ideas – its a great way to make new friends.

Boost your confidence

Whether you are interested in getting into stand up comedy or just want to take part as a one-off, Ultra Comedy is a great way to boost your confidence and help with public speaking. Our comedy coaches will teach you how to deliver lines or a story in a comedic way and this will help you to perform on stage, with confidence, that you can carry over into your everyday life whether it’s presentations at work or just talking to new people.

Raise money for charity

To take part in Ultra Comedy we ask that you raise a minimum of £50 forcharity during your 8 weeks of training. It’s a fun way to fundraise for a cause close to the heart of so many people across the UK. We have a dedicated fundraising team from the charity on hand to help provide you with hints and tips and materials to aid your fundraising.

Learn a new skill

You may believe ‘you can’t learn to be funny’ – we are here to tell you that is not true! You can learn to be funny, you just have to know how to phrase it and how to say it and that’s what we are here to teach you. We have professional comics from around the UK who have experience on the comedy circuit and can help you to structure your writing and perform to a crowd.

Break into Comedy

If you are looking to take part in a comedy course to help you break into the comedy scene Ultra Comedy is a great entryway. Not only will you learn from a pro, but you’ll also get to perform in some of the best comedy clubs in the UK, it’s a great gig to have on your comedy CV and will help you to meet new connections in the world of comedy. Many Ultra Comedy alumni have gone onto perform regularly on the comedy circuit or host open mic nights.

Perform at an amazing comedy club

At the end of your training, you will perform at one of the UK’s top comedy clubs. These clubs have an incredible history and some of the best comedians in the UK have performed at these clubs and some still do. Whether you are into comedy or not it’s a pretty cool thing to say you have achieved!


If you’re interested in signing up for Ultra Comedy, take a look at our locations page to find your local event!

When we launched Ultra Comedy we got told ‘you can’t learn to be funny’ which we believe is absolutely false. You can 100% learn to be funny, it’s all about what you say, and how you say it – and that’s what we are here to teach you. If you’re naturally the class clown or the joker of your group, that’s great you already have a head start – but if you’re not you can certainly learn how to deliver a one-liner or a story to have your friends and family in stitches.

Like everything in life, you get out of something what you put into it – practice makes perfect as they say. At Ultra Comedy we give you 8 weeks of free training with a professional comic who has experience performing on the comedy circuit and can give you all the tricks of the trade. You’ll learn how to structure your comedic writing for stand-up, how to perform to an audience, and that all important comedic timing.

These courses aren’t competitive, it’s collaboration. You’ll listen to each other’s sets, give feedback to each other and share ideas – it’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends but also learn a skill which could help boost your confidence not only socially but also in your work and family life too.

Performing in front of an audience can be a scary experience; it’s the job of our comedy coaches to make sure you are prepared. They will give you weekly notes on your material, give you starting ideas to help get you writing and they’ll be on hand to ask questions and inspire you. Not only that – but they are really funny and they will make your 8 weeks FUN – after all, it is a comedy course.

By the end of the 8 week course you will be armed with your new material and ready to stand up and some of the UK’s biggest and best comedy clubs to make your friends and family laugh. Not only that but you’ll have raised some all important funds for charity in the process. What better way to do something for charity and have a laugh.

Taking a comedy course is a great way to break into comedy or even start a new hobby. Many Ultra Comedy alumni have gone on to perform regularly on the comedy scene with some even forming their own open mic nights. Even if you just want to do it as a one-off to help boost your confidence or challenge yourself to perform a set to a crowd – Ultra Comedy is for you.

 Anyone can do it, so what’s stopping you? 

Sign up today to start your 8 weeks free training